
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Be Intelligent

An intelligent person knows what he knows and also recognize what he doesn't knows #2daybefit

Borrowing Diet Plans

You see that your friend has shed a few inches and burnt a few pounds and now you want to adopt her/his exact weight loss plan. Well, guess what. What's good for the goose is not always good for the gander and chances are your friend's strategy will not work for you. That's right. The reason why, is no two humans are alike. Each of us burn calories at a different rate and our metabolisms are completely different. Think of your body/system as your fingerprint. You have to learn which diet/meal plan works for you. Find a good nutritionist that will take the time to work with you to develop and design your own food program. Make sure that it's balanced in nutrition and manageable in your life because you don't want a plan that will cause you to fail before you even begin.  #2daybefit

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WH - Total-Body Transformation (Month Three)


Muscle and Fitness - 25 Tips for More Muscle and Superstrength


The Scale

So, you've been training regularly and eating right but the digits on the scale haven't budged. Answer this: How are your clothes fitting? Several of my clients have come to me wondering how they've only dropped a few pounds yet, melted several inches. We must remember, if you do weight training of any kind you will gain muscle mass which is replacing the fat you blasted away. Furthermore, muscle is much more dense than fat even though it takes up much less space in our bodies. This may be why, after all your hard work, you're weighing in at about the same, a tad less or maybe even a bit more.  Forget the reading on scale. Do you look better? Are your clothes fitting better? And, most important, do you feel better? #2daybefit

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Play More, Sit Less [Children & Youth] - Fitness.com

Play More, Sit Less [Children & Youth] - Fitness.com

F.R.O.M (Full Range of Motion)

Full Range of Motion - Anything exercise that you decide to do make sure you are completing the exercise in it entirety. Example Pull-ups - A pull-up isn't complete until you have locked the elbows out at the bottom, Any type of Pressing or Rowing exercise isn't complete until elbows have been extended all the way. Squats - If you can not squeeze your glutes at the top of your squats, you haven't completed them. #2daybefit

Monday, May 28, 2012

Men's Health Mag - Pushup that Blast fat

The pushup that BLASTS fathttp://www.menshealth.com/fitness/fat-blasting-pushup?cm_mmc=Twitter-_-MensHealth-_-Content-Fitness-_-PushUpBlastsFat #2daybefit

Self Myofascial Release (SMF)

SMF(Foam Rolling/Trigger Point/Release work)- This part of the workout is extremely important and most of us never do it. After your training session you should foam rolling/trigger point hitting all the hot spot for at least 15 minutes. This will help with maximizing your recovery time.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fight through the pain

"Pain is Weakness leaving the body". Fight through the burn and realize you are only getting stronger and leaner with each repetition. #2daybefit

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Central Park workout

3miles and Boot Camp. This is how you kick off the Memorial Day weekend

Body of 1 (B.O.O)

U R a body of 1. Meaning that your fitness routine should only be design for you. Cookie cutter workouts usually don't work. This applies to your nutrition plan as well.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Before training, you should determine what you fitness goals are for that day or focus on what you are training for (hiking, tennis, ect). Allow your trainer to assist you with your goals to help you accomplish them